.Tuesday, March 23, 2010 ' Y
The One & Only 
okays. posting now.
hais... feeling so terrible now.
i seriously hate this feeling.
i was trying very hard,
to forget wat had happened.
but you suddenly contacted me again.
why cant you contact me earlier?
and i could also get over it quickly.
im reaching,
to forgetting it already.
but now, im feeling like this again.
i reali reali hate this feeling.
i wanna forget everything tat had happened.
okays. -.-" rachel,
enough of all this. sighs.
wasnt able to slp last night.
was awake til 4am plus, 5am.
cried the whole time.
i reali couldnt take it already.
i cried so much.
and cried myself to slp. sighs.
morning woke up,
went to school, did hw.
and morning assembly in hall.
cr period, did cr.
2 periods emath.
go thru hw loh.
1 period phy.
did sound.
2 periods of chem spa.
had grp work.
my grp was very hyper.
keep answering.
teacher also dun wan care us in the end.
got me, kenjie, shazni, zongyun,
khaliesa, sandy, kristal, amanda...
i forget who is the last person already
thn blah blah blah.
ate with rebecca.
thn did councillor duty.
was very cold.
and thn vry tired,
somehow emo D:
walked back to class with gowri and rebecca.
2 periods ch.
went to comp lab 4.
watched vid on north korea.
continued de lah.
was quite interesting.
but i was freezing inside.
and almost falling aslp.
1 period eng.
go thru vocab test thingy. argh.
lost 2 marks.
cox of 2 stupid qns.
so wasted siol.
got 98/100. ):
but quite good already.
after tat break.
went to eat.
didnt finish.
cant finish.
sian diaos loh.
1 period amath.
go thru tys qns.
thn after tat jiu lifeskill programme le.
were separated into 4 grps.
i was the only girl in the grp.
can choose grp lah.
but i didnt knw.
i went to near my seat there de mah.
thn i realise i was the only gal when the person said.
and no other grps have vacancy le.
but i dun mind lah.
they were damn high.
got me, Kenjie, QingHong, Loga,
Lawrann, Shazni, Leonard, ZongYun, CalvinYu.
were damn high loh.
thn got this weekly plan thingy.
we write crap loh.
make until we ownself laugh out loud.
got like alot of us went to present tgt.
other grps got 2 only.
our grp got 6 go out.
me, calvinyu, kenjie, loga, zongyun,
and forgot who is the other one.
either leonard or lawrann.
thn blah blah.
had a short break.
they provided donuts for us.
but i didnt eat.
dun feel like eating.
dunno why.
thn the person asked me to ask everyone up.
as in all those from 3e4 de.
so went to call them loh.
went up,
they tok tok tok loh.
our class was the dismissed the earliest de.
cox finished already.
5.45pm left already.
loga still can sit in canteen shake leg loh.
so pro siol.
went opp for a while,
and bused home already.
thn came home,
dead tired. hais.
feeling so moody now.
thanks people for trying to cheer me up.
WeiJie, and co,
thanks for trying to cheer me up.
thanks for you msn pm.
Jerome kor,
thanks for your msg.
tats all bahs.
shall end here.
♥ My
L 爱 V E For You Stops @ 9:21 PM